God is for you!

If God is for us, who can be against us?  Romans 8:31 Picture yourself in court, accused of a crime.  You are sitting at the defendant’s table with your attorney, and the petitioner is sitting in the witness stand spewing accusations about you – some certainly true, but most assuredly false.   The judge sits high up on his bench, listening attentively.  What is going to happen to you?  Your heart is beating in fear; you can...

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Time Alone with God

In an effort to come to the knowledge that God is good, one must know Him. Just as you know your spouse, the sound of his or her voice, the beat of their heart, you can know God; just as you are able to differentiate the many cries of your child, you can know God. To know Him you must spend time with Him. I am not speaking of a legalistic routine that must be gotten out of the way like brushing your teeth, not hardly. But, there is a joyous...

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