Your Calling v. Your Natural Talent

As a follow-up to the most recent post (see below):   When I speak of your calling, as I did in the previous post, I am speaking of the specific mission God created YOU to fulfill.  The calling that if you refuse or ignore will mean certain people, places and things will be left untouched.  Your calling is truly the reason you live and breathe, and should cause you to jump out of bed each day eager to get to it! Your natural talent, while also...

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What is Your Calling in Life?

In case you haven’t figured out, I have two callings in my life!  They are my reasons for being.  Obviously, you can tell from the posts in this blog that I love to declare that God is GOOD!  So one of my callings is derived directly from scripture: Psalm 40:9-10 (NLT)  I have told all Your people about Your justice.  I have not been afraid to speak out as You, O Lord, well know.  I have not kept the good news of Your justice hidden in my...

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His Part or My Part?

How often have you heard someone say, “Just knuckle down and do it!”?  How often have you heard someone say, “Just let go and give it to God!”?  Well, which is it?  Do you do it or does God do it? There is a lot of confusion in the body of Christ today; a lot of teaching that tells people they don’t have to do anything at all because of His grace.  They go as far as to call anything we do “works” and...

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Faith v. Feelings

So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God.”   Mark 11:22 As mature Christians we are told we aren’t to rely on feelings to know God is with us.  If that is the case, I must not be a very mature Christian because I sure like the feel of God! When surrounded by a world struggling in turmoil, sin and despair, it is sometimes not surprising when doubts start to spout up.  When He seems far removed and the walk seems...

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Live Pain-Free!

Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you.  Psalm 55:22 Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.   Matthew 11:28 Living in emotional pain of any kind can be very discouraging.  Obviously, when one goes through a sad time, such as a death of a loved one, a divorce, loss of a job one loves, death of a beloved pet, a major sickness, etc., there will be a season of troubled emotions.  That...

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Obeying Once You Hear Him!

Once we start hearing the voice of God, it is important that we obey what He tells us to do (or not to do).  He communes with us for a purpose – so we know His will for our lives.  A story from my own life is a good example of how NOT to do it.  For years, I was a Diet Coke fiend!   I was not always feeling very good.   One day God spoke to me saying, “Drink water.”  I would hear this voice saying drink water.   But, I...

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Knowing God’s Will

Is it possible to know God’s will for you?  Far too many Christians have a nebulous view of God and make statements such as, “You never can know what God is gonna do!”   However, I don’t believe it!  We already have established that God is good – would a good father leave his children in the dark, never knowing what he wants?  No way. If I want to know what my husband wants, I go to him and ask him!  I don’t...

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