Digging In Deeper

I’ve been struggling this past year with wanting some answers from the Lord that, so far, haven’t been forthcoming.  I have prayed, fasted, pleaded and cried out for the answers to my questions.  When they have not come, I have sought out godly counsel by talking to pastors, other ministers, friends and other wise folks.  In my search I have bought and read so many books and CD teachings that I can open my own bookstore!  I have...

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Financial Blessings Out of Reach?

When I used to teach the business accounting and tax classes at the SBA’s Small Business Development Center, I would open every class with an exercise.  I would ask everyone in the class to get out their wallets and tell them to open them up and show me their money.  The looks I got from the students were strange, as you can imagine! Sadly, there were usually only one or two in the class who had their money in neat and clean order.  The...

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Do You REALLY Believe the Promises of God?

If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  Romans 10:9  For most people, becoming a Christian is very easy in the sense that they hear the promise of God for salvation and they believe it and they act on it as if it is true.  What about the multitudes of promises beyond salvation?  If we really and truly believed, and acted upon, them, shouldn’t we all...

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Keep On Keepin’ On!

My son, give attention to my words;       Incline your ear to my sayings.         Do not let them depart from your eyes;       Keep them in the midst of your heart;         For they are life to those who find them,       And health to all their flesh.      Proverbs 4:20-22 What do you do when you are lining your life up to the Word of God, purposefully choosing to do His will, and life still seems to be not working right?  We all have been...

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Practical Thoughts on Unanswered Prayer – Part Four

This is the fourth part in my series about unanswered prayers for healing.  Prologue    Part One    Part Two     Part Three Remember, our premise is God is never wrong, so if something isn’t working as the Word says it should, it is because we are at fault somehow, or it’s the enemy, or a bit of both.  Each of these posts is dealing with just one possible reason prayers go unanswered, and should not be deemed to be all-inclusive! ...

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Practical Thoughts on Unanswered Prayer – Part Three

This is the third part in my series about unanswered prayers for healing.  Prologue   Part One   Part Two  It is important to realize that each of these posts is dealing with just one possible reason prayers go unanswered, and should not be deemed to be all-inclusive!  Remember, our foundation is that God is never wrong!  Therefore, if things aren’t working for us, it is either our fault, the devil’s fault or a bit of both. The...

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Practical Thoughts on Unanswered Prayer – Part Two

This is the second segment of the practical thoughts I want to share with you about why prayers seem to go answered.   The foundation of all of these thoughts is:  We know God is not ever wrong, thank You, God!  And we know His Word is very clear – sickness is a curse (Deuteronomy 28:15-68) and Jesus became a curse for us so those who believe can be free of the curse (Galatians 3:13).  So, where does that leave us who need answered...

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