Once we start hearing the voice of God, it is important that we obey what He tells us to do (or not to do). He communes with us for a purpose – so we know His will for our lives.
A story from my own life is a good example of how NOT to do it. For years, I was a Diet Coke fiend! I was not always feeling very good. One day God spoke to me saying, “Drink water.” I would hear this voice saying drink water. But, I shrugged it off. Every time I would reach for a Diet Coke, I would hear “drink water”, and I would hesitate, but still take the soda. I hated drinking water. Yet, here I was asking God why I wasn’t feeling well and here He was telling me!
I hate to say it, but it took me years to finally get the revelation of this knowledge; and unfortunately, it took me having two kidney infections before I did. Now, did God want me to have kidney infections? NO! He is a good God and wants His children healthy. But, He allowed it to happen because I was so stubborn and rebellious. Yes, I was spending time talking to Him, but I wasn’t obeying what He told me to do. Here I was even given the knowledge and I still wasn’t getting it, what a goof. If I had only obeyed the first time I heard Him, I would have saved myself a lot of agony.
In the next few days, practice instant obedience to what you hear Him speaking to your heart. You will quickly see the rewards!