God is for you!

If God is for us, who can be against us?  Romans 8:31

Picture yourself in court, accused of a crime.  You are sitting at the defendant’s table with your attorney, and the petitioner is sitting in the witness stand spewing accusations about you – some certainly true, but most assuredly false.   The judge sits high up on his bench, listening attentively.  What is going to happen to you?  Your heart is beating in fear; you can practically hear it pounding. 

There is some good news!  Today the court you sit in is not an earthly governmental office; today the trial is being held in God’s court!  God realizes that the petitioner is the accuser of the brethren and even we know (though we don’t always remember) he is the father of all lies.  Yes, he always mixes a little bit of truth into his diatribe against you; that is because you will most likely feel guilty and condemned because you know you really did do that bit of bad.  However, the bulk of his accusations are trumped-up charges as he is hoping to sideline you and needs to build a case against you God will believe.  He is pretty stupid, though, because there is no way he can outsmart our good God.

The judge tells you to stand and asks you “How do you plead?”  Your attorney whispers in your ear, “Tell him “I plead the blood of Jesus”.  You are flabbergasted as you look to see your lawyer is Jesus Himself!  A mixture of relief and shame hit you all at once.  You cry out, “Lord, it is You!  I am so glad but I am so sorry I really did do some of the things the devil is saying I did.”  With much compassion, He stands and says to the judge, “Father, I present your child for sentencing.”  You then realize the judge is THE Judge – God Himself!

You wait, almost unable to breathe.  The Most Holy God is going to pronounce sentence upon you.  Incredibly, He says, “I am faithful and just to forgive your sins.  I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist.”  In your immense relief, you are filled with even more love for Him.  Your attorney puts His arm around you and says, “I have redeemed you.  Go and sin no more.”

What joy!  How glorious it is to know God is good, He love us and He is on our side!

Remember, to know God is good, to really know it, you must get to know Him.  Grab your bible and read His Word today!

Isaiah 44:22, John 8:1-11, Romans 8, and John 8:44 

1 Comment

  1. I happened upon your post through a Google Alert I set up on the phrase, “plead the blood”. Many of the “hits” I get on my blog are from searches on that phrase which I wrote about in 2006. You might be interested in reading what God showed me about that phrase at: http://roadrevelations.org/?m=200601. Scroll down to Plead The Blood.

    Be blessed!

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