For God may speak in one way, or in another, but man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep slumber falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction. Job 33:14-16
God is speaking to us all day long, but with the noises of the world it can be hard to hear Him. While we are sleeping and our souls are quieted, He can speak into our spirits.
Many people pooh-pooh dreams and believe they have no useful meaning. They are wrong! God guides us through dreams. He also counsels, warns, and instructs. He heals us through dreams. He impresses His plans for us upon our hearts.
I have kept a dream journal for many years. I keep the book on my nightstand, along with a pen and a flashlight, so when I wake up from a dream – even in the middle of the night – I can immediately write it down. I have found many answers to life’s problems in what God speaks to me in my dreams.
Over 90% of your dreams will be about you, even though other people are in the dream. These people will represent some aspect of you, your personality, or your life. Your dreams will speak to the issues of your heart – things that are troubling you, decisions you need to make, fears, expectatons, etc.
Dreams have to be viewed through a “symbolic lens”, as they are usually not literal. After keeping record of your dreams for awhile you will be able to build your own dictionary of dream symbols. Here are a few I have found in my dream life:
Car – A car, or other type vehicle, is representative of your life. If the car is beat-up and broken down, it could be saying something in your life needs fixing. If the car is crashing, it can mean you feel some aspect of your life is out of control. Are you driving or is someone else driving? If it is someone else, you need to see what part of your life it is in which you are giving others too much reign.
Road – A road indicates the direction your life is taking. A nice wide super-highway? Smooth sailing! A windy country road? Lots of twists and turns in your life.
Older Man – If the man has good characteristics, he can be representative of God or Jesus.
Older Woman – Very often symbolic of the Holy Spirit.
Baby/Pregnant/Giving Birth – Usually represents something new in life is about to happen or is happening now. Perhaps a new job, a new ministry, or a new thought pattern is emerging.
For a comprehensive listing of dream symbols to help you get started, click here:
One must beware of new age dream symbol websites and interpretation forums. As with all things created by God, stuff of dreams can be recreated humanistically, removing God from the equation. One should always pray to be given the interpretation directly from the Holy Spirit. However, if you get stuck, a good Spirit-filled dream board is here: You can post a dream for which you would like some input as to how to interpret it biblically.
Pray today to be open to receiving from the Lord in your dreams. Keep a notebook by your bed. Ask God each night before going to sleep to bless you with dreams. He will do it!
Keep the faith!
I love this.. thank you , you just made my life a whole easier.
I dream me and my daughter going to my fiancé house when we arrive we sat outside and it seems like the was a gathering of people and his mother came out and said to me with an angry face that his son will not marry me and when I leave with my daughter my fiance follows us then his mother and the police beat him and we ran to the other house next to it was a crowd of people watching and one lady hidden us in the house. What does that mean