In an effort to come to the knowledge that God is good, one must know Him. Just as you know your spouse, the sound of his or her voice, the beat of their heart, you can know God; just as you are able to differentiate the many cries of your child, you can know God. To know Him you must spend time with Him.

I am not speaking of a legalistic routine that must be gotten out of the way like brushing your teeth, not hardly. But, there is a joyous place where you can meet with God, where He can talk to you and you can really talk to Him. It is a place of quiet, where the noise and cares of the world are turned off. It is a place of rest, where the taskmaster of your time is silenced for a spell. It is a place of instruction, where the confusion and fog of indecision are lifted. It is a place of healing, where all the hurts and damage the world inflicts upon you are repaired. Ahhh, it is a comforting place.

When God first drew me aside daily to get to know Him better, He asked me to spend time with Him early in the morning. There are things to be said for meeting with Him early, before the noise and schedule of awakened life starts to take over.

God you are my God. Early I will seek you.  Psalm 63:1

Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place and He prayed.  Mark 1:35

For many, perhaps even most, people, early morning is the best time to meet with Him. But you should do what works best with your body, your energy levels, your schedule, as long as you don’t put it off until there is no time left in your day!

So grab your bible, find a quiet place and get to know your good God!