Seek Him Early Each Day!

Spending time alone with God is one way you can get to know Him and know that He is good!  Seeking Him early each day will cause your day to be blessed and prosperous.

I remember, years ago, when I was a single mom and a business owner, never seeming to have the time to spend with the Lord.  I was extremely busy, yet still wanted to get to know Him better.  My bed felt too good in the morning to get up extra early, but if I waited until evening I would fall asleep or be so overwhelmed by the day’s activities I put off going to Him.  I felt so burdened to spend time with Him and bemoaned the fact to Him often!

One day I heard the Lord clearly say “Get up at 4:30 in the morning!”  My first thought was, “WHAT???  You’ve got to be kidding!  I already get up so early!  4:30?  Are You sure???”   But, He bugged me about it and I determined to do as He said.  When I struggled with it, I heard Him say, “It only hurts when it is time to get up!”  Wow.  Isn’t He good?  It’s so true.  When the alarm goes off it hurts, but once you are up it is no problem.  After all these years of getting up early and spending time with Him, I cannot imagine starting my day any other way.  (Since I sold my business, 4:30 is no longer when I get up, but I still spend my first time of the day with God.)

There is biblical precedence for doing this!  Even Jesus spent time with the Lord in the wee morning hours:

Mark 1:35  Now, in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place and He prayed.

Ezekiel 12:8  And in the morning came the word of the Lord to me.

Psalm 5:3  My voice shall Thou hear in the morning, Oh Lord, in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up.

Psalm 63:1  God You are my God.  Early I will seek You.

Psalm 88:13  In the morning my prayer comes before You.

Psalm 143:8  Cause me to hear Your loving kindness in the morning.

Luke 21:38  And all the people came early in the morning to Him in the temple, for to hear Him.

Even the Proverbs 31 woman knew to seek Him early:  v 16:  She rises while it is yet night and gets spiritual food for her household.

I encourage you to start your day off right by spending time with Him – the rewards are great!


  1. thank you for the information. The bed feels good and you don’t want to get up; however, but we must deny the flesh and get up and meet with our Blessed Redeemer. It is He who grants us the privilege of life and new mercies each day!!

  2. This post really helped me! I was in the process of finding scriptures that would help me remember to seek Him early. I have one correction though! Psalm 133:8 is actually Psalm 143:8 🙂

    God bless!

    • Thanks so much for pointing out the typo!! Glad you enjoyed the post!

  3. Thanks for posting this, it was helpful in a search I was doing to encourage a friend, but I was unable to find Psalm 133:8- am I missing something in my Bible? 🙂

    • Yep… a typo now corrected!

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