run to god
During church service last night, the presence of God was sweet. He gave me a word for His people, a word of encouragement. I didn’t get to speak it out last night, but I believe this word is for more in the body of Christ than only those in my church.

The Lord said, “Many of you are afraid to look Me in the eye. You have the same feelings of shame and guilt that you had as a child when you did something wrong. It was hard to look your parents in the eye, in fact, you wanted to hide. You are afraid to look Me in the eye. I am calling you to run to Me, not away from Me! I know what you’ve done. I also know that you are sorry and that you desire not do it anymore. You must realize that I am indeed faithful and just to forgive you and that I love you very much. Run to Me today! Crawl up onto My lap and let Me take away the shame and guilt.”

I remembered what His word says in Hebrews 4:16:

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

I like how The Message translation says it:

So let’s walk right up to Him and get what He is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.

God’s love is so simple. We complicate it, don’t we? We hide from Him instead of running to Him. It’s so silly because when we go to Him all the crud is washed away and it is replaced with joyous feelings of righteousness and peace!

Keep the faith!